Happy Birthday Harry Potter!By: Devina (The Charmed One) YAY!!! It's Harry Potters' birthday!!! I don't know about you, but this day is definitely highlighted in my calendar. And now, I shall sing! Happy Birthday to you, And some trivia for the Harry Potter fans whose knowledge extends only to the movies and a mild interest in the books�July 31st is also J.K. Rowling's' birthday. Making the central character share the same birthday as herself shows that perhaps she identifies herself with him. Well�some hope that she won't kill him off in the end eh? I mean, if killing Sirius was such a painful experience for her, killing Harry Potter, whom she has grown with, will be traumatic, to say the least. Enough of death; we're celebrating Harry Potter day!!! Ok, July 31st is Harry's birth date which makes him a Leo. According to my
calendar, Leo's are dynamic, passionate, loyal, magnetic, attractive, regal,
courageous etc. These were, of course, their positive aspects. So is Harry all
of these? YES HE IS!!! Note to those who have no idea whatsoever: The sign Leo
effectively implies a lion. Coincidentally, (ok, not a coincidence in my
opinion) the mascot of Gryffindor is a lion, which definitely shows that Harry
is a true Gryffindor. Now, how old is Harry exactly? And I mean, in 2004. Those who shouted 15 or
16, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? HAVE YOU EVER READ THE BOOKS??? Now, how to celebrate Harry Potter's birthday? Let us count the ways! Umm�well, there are many ways, but let's think of 10 for now! 1. Make cut-outs of Daniel Radcliffe's face and use them as masks and tell
everyone you meet that you're the Harry Potter clone. Frankly speaking, most of Harry's birthdays have been damn uneventful and extremely boring. In fact, until he joined Hogwarts, he didn't really look forward to his birthdays. His eleventh birthday was probably the most exciting of them all. Learning that you're a wizard and finally escaping the evil relatives can do wonders. Now, will Harry survive his seventeenth birthday to reach his eighteenth? Hmm�only Book 7 can tell!!! Ending the HP series on such a sad note will be�well�sad! No one wants to see a good guy go down. Many have often wondered the significance of the term 'vanquish' in the prophecy about Harry and Voldemort. Does it mean both have to die? Does it mean both will live but Voldemort will be reformed? Does it mean that only Harry will live? Personally I don't really think Harry will die, which means that right now, he's probably sitting somewhere in the UK in his house with Ron and Hermione Weasley visiting him, perhaps with his godchildren in tow? Ok, too much speculation, and yes, you did note the subtle(!!!) implications of Ron-Hermione shipping by me!!! In any case, Happy Harry Potter Day to everyone and hope you all have a great day and here's wishing that the 6th book is released soon and all of you keep the magic of Harry Potter alive in your own little way. Remember, you're witnessing a legend in the making! Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus!!! |
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