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Fan Fiction

    The Wireless Wizarding Network greatly supports Fan Fiction.  You will find many great Fan Fictions in our Fan Fiction Library. If you would like to submit a Fan Fiction please post it in the Fan Fiction section on TWWN's Forum.

    The Fan Fictions below have been rated by several readers. The average rating is listed below the description of the Fan Fiction (on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the best).

Fan Fiction Library

- Step Four NEW!
    Description: Tom Riddle is hatching a plan. A plan composed of four steps... however what will step four be? And could there possibly be others like him at the orphanage, with powers like him? Or is he the only one?
    Rating: 4

- Don't Look Back
    Description: A great end-of-year speech by Dumbledore for James, Lupin, Sirius, Peter and all the other 7th years at Hogwarts.
    Rating: 4

- The Last Wyvern
    Description: In the days before the sorting hat, the founders of Hogwarts would tell prospective students the following fable, each ending the story at a different point and with a different moral. The students' reactions to the tale would indicate which house they were best suited to.
    Rating: 5

- A Proper Little Lady
    Description: Hermione receives her letter from Hogwarts! Won't her parents be proud?!
    Rating: 4

- Tempt Me Not
    Description: Sirius is tempted by his bother Regulus to betray James and his friends and join Voldemort and his powers. Sirius is in fact tempted by Voldemort's Power which makes you wealthy, not with gold, but with choices, influence. What will Sirius decide?
    Rating: 5

- The Wolf's Wake
Description: A retelling of when Lupin reveals to Sirius, James, and Peter that he is a werewolf.
    Rating: 4

- A Full Moon
Description: A short fan fiction going back to the last meeting between Sirius and James when Sirius tells James to have Peter be his secret keeper. An excellent story...
    Rating: 4

- Dog Star Sequel: Padfoot's Return
    Description: Harry's godfather Sirius returns and must explain to his daughter Amiee why he left when she was just a baby. The only problem is... Amiee may not be who she seems...
    Rating: 4

- Dog Star
    Description: Harry meets a mysterious girl named Amy during their trip on the Hogwarts Express. What Harry doesn't know is that Amy is a close relative to Sirius...
    Rating: 5

- Just Another Marauder Morning
    Description: James Potter, Sirius, and Lupin play a comical joke on Peter Pettigrew.
    Rating: 4

- Quidditch Reverie
    Description: Harry competes against Malfoy in an exciting game of quidditch.
    Rating: 4

- Devil�s Snare in the Girls Bathroom
    Description: Jakkin Pillburg, and his friends Harry, Ron, and Hermione, must solve a series of riddles and clues as a dramatic mystery unfolds...
    Rating: 3

- The Wizard of Godric's Hollow
    Description: A funny Fan Fiction in which Voldemort has a terrifying nightmare!
    Rating: 5

- A. P. W. B. D.
    Description: The past and the present merge as Dumbledore reflects in his pensieve.
    Rating: 3

- Katie's Shorties
    Description: 3 short stories dealing with the magical world, but not about Harry Potter characters
    Rating: 4

- Lily's Story: Year 1
    Description: A story of the adventures of Lily and her friends during their first year at Hogwarts. Voldemort has not yet announced his presence, but a series of disappearances and a murder has cast a spell over Hogwarts and its students. Lily has information that could stop him. Can she and her friends figure out the clues in time?
    Rating: 5

- The Best Christmas Ever
    Description: A funny Christmas story, filled with strange items such as a lava lamp and socks.
    Rating: 4

- The Lingering Sadness
    Description: Ron and Hermione visit Harry's grave to say goodbye.
    Rating: 5

Scars can come in handy. I have one myself above my left knee that is a perfect map of the London Underground.
Dan's Project:

The Snitch
Fans of Rowling

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