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    All of T.W.W.N.'s Downloadable games are created with a program called Game Maker. Game Maker, created by Mark Overmars, is a program that is used to create mainly 2-demensional games, though it is possible (though somewhat difficult) to create low quality 3D games.

    The following  is an excerpt by Mark Overmars:

    "I started working on Game Maker (originally called Animo because my first idea was to make a simple system for creating 2-d animations) in the summer of 1999. The first public release was version 1.1. It was released on November 15, 1999. This version did already have a built-in programming language but was lacking sophistication. It did not use DirectX and it did not have a separate runner nor could it create executables.

    Since then I quickly create public versions 1.2, 1.2a, 1.3. It was not very well known or downloaded. For example in Dec 1999 Game Maker was downloaded a total of 366 times."

    Since then, several more versions of Game Maker have been created, the most recent being version 5.1 in September 2003. "Currently the program is downloaded about 2,000 times each day" and has been downloaded a total of over 1 million times.

    "Game Maker can be used completely free of charge. And you can use the games you produced in any way you like. You can even sell them."

If you would like to learn more about Game Maker you can visit the: Game Maker Website

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