Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer's Stone
Summary and Rating-
-Crew -Movie Mistakes
Posters -Movie
Pictures -Trailers
-Soundtrack -DVD
- Warner Bros. signed
contract: October 1998
Movie Release date: November 16th,2001
US Film Revenue $317 million ($216.6 million)
UK Film Revenue $64 million ($93.5 million)
Film Revenue $649 million ($925 million)
Video (VHS/DVD) sold 1.6 million copies in the first month
Fastest-selling DVD in UK history
Second biggest-selling DVD in UK history
HP DVD release responsible for the 280% spike in DVD player
Soundtrack has sold 551,000 copies
Walkthrough (Shortcut)
Visit the Classrooms section (you'll need to get a wand from Olivander's
first) and use your navigation arrow keys to highlight the "H" on the
middle Hogwarts pillar type thing and press enter. Now you will be taken to
Fluffy, choose the flute and you will proceed to the next room. This room
contains the flying keys. If you look in the middle of your screen and far in
the background, you'll see the key that has broken wings, highlight the key and
press enter (if you can't find the key just make a guess, you'll have several
more chances). You now arrive in the room with the Mirror of Erised, highlight
the stone in the mirror and press enter. That's all you have to do! You now have
access to the hidden scenes! Though unfortunately you have to do all of the
above every time you want to see the hidden scenes.