| Screenshots | Demo
Welcome to our Quidsticks
Expanded section! Quidsticks Expanded is the second game of what will
probably be
a three game Quidsticks series. Sporting even more professional graphics,
improved sound, tons more features and options, and better game play, Quidsticks
Expanded will blow away all other previous T.W.W.N. Games.
Below, is a list of some
of the features that will be in Quidsticks Expanded and how much progress
I've made in the creation of the game. Once I have completed the features in the
list below, I will add more information on other features and options that will
be in the game.
Expanded |
Complete |
*Newest features are in yellow. |
Game Features
Completion Status |
Screen Titles |
Completed! |
Screen/Windowed Mode Option |
Completed! |
Player Gender
Option |
Completed! |
Gold and Black
Ball On/Off Options |
Completed! |
Win Score Option
(for Gold Ball off) |
Completed! |
Weather and Weather Controls |
Completed! |
Player 3 & 4 Options for 4 on 4 games |
Completed! |
Extra Highscore Table (1
for each team) |
Not Yet Started |
Opponent Skill Level Option |
Completed! |
Broom Choose System |
Completed! |
Credits |
Completed! |
Ball Interceptions |
Completed! |
Complete Exhibition
Mode |
95% Done |
Season Play Mode |
10% Done |
on other features coming soon! |
Progress on Quidsticks Expanded has come to a
stand still the past couple of weeks. I'm having a lot of problems with getting
the collisions in the game to occur properly. I believe some of the files for
the game may have become corrupt because minor changes I make are having an
effect on completely unrelated behaviors in the game. I'm still trying to figure
out what the problem is however if I cannot solve the solution soon I am going
to just start a complete recode of QE. If I have to do the latter, QE will
unfortunately be delayed until Summer 2005. Once I have decided what to do I
will post it here.
A brand-new feature for Quidsticks Expanded has just recently been
added. This feature allows players to intercept the red ball when it is thrown
during game play! The past couple of days I have also been working on fixing a
few minor bugs and improving collisions between the players.
Whew, it's been quite a long time since that last
updated on Quidsticks Expanded hasn't it? Other activities have greatly
limited the time I've had to work on QE, however I have just recently picked
up the pace. I have begun creating the system for the new Season Play mode. I
have made fairly good progress on it the past couple of days; I have setup the
first couple of menus for it.
A brand-new feature has also recently been developed. It is
a counter that will countdown from 3 to 1 at the beginning of each Quidsticks
Match; that way players will have a couple of seconds to get prepared and
situated for the match.
A new screenshot or two will be available by the end of
this month.
I've got quite a bit done on Quidsticks
Expanded the past couple of weeks. First, I had to nearly recreate the existing
players and then create 6 more players and define separate keyboard controls for
all 8 players. The Team Control option (choose whether players are controlled by
computer AI or a human player(s)) is almost completely done, I'm just adding the
finishing touches on the Skill Level option for the AI and fixing a few minor
bugs. The Exhibition Mode is nearly completely done! Of course it will
have some ties to the Season Play Mode so it won't be completely finished until
the Season Play mode is complete. But things are going very well and I'll add
another screenshot soon.
Whew, it's been a while since the last update hasn't it?! Because of
school I wasn't able to work on QE for about 5 weeks, however I'm out of
school now and I've started back to work on QE. What I've recently started
working on is finishing the first two menus for Exhibition mode. On the first
menu you will have several options to choose from for both Team 1 and Team 2.
Options for menu 1 include: Gender, Number of Players per team, Team Control
(decide whether you want the team to be human or computer controlled), and
Skill Level (used only if team is controlled by computer). And then on the
second menu of Exhibition mode you will have all the broomstick model options
and statistics.
The Exhibition mode and Season Play mode will be inter-related so I can't
really finish one section before I finish the other. However I hope to have
the Exhibition mode as complete as possible within the next week. I'll add a
new screen shot as soon as I can.
And I still have a lot of work to do on Quidsticks Expanded
however I still plan on releasing a Demo sometime this summer.
I have completed a new option where you can set the
game Win Score if you turn the Gold Ball off. When the Win Score is set, the
first player to get to that score in a game wins.
Also, all 4 players now have their own health
systems. The Gender Settings for all 4 players are completed as well. Now I
need to get the highscore tables for the 2 teams working and finish designing
and positioning the items for the first Exhibition Menu. I'll add an updated
Main Menu and Options Menu screenshot soon.
Ok well I've been updating the list above as I get further along with Quidsticks
Expanded but I thought I'd let everyone know a little more about how
things are going. Well I just starting the coding for the Player 3 & 4
options. This option will allow you and your opponent to have either 1 player
on each team or two. So with Quidsticks Expanded you and a
friend will be able to play on the same team against two other players either
controlled by the computer or two other humans. The actual options/buttons for
these extra players are working but I need to set up gender control for them
and create separate health status bars. Once I finish the multi-player
settings I'm going to create another Highscores Table (there will be a total
of 2) so that each team will have their own.
I have just recently started on Quidsticks
Expanded. I hope to have a demo of the game ready within 2-3 months. Quidsticks
Expanded will take quite some time to make (more than Quidsticks)
because it will have nearly 5 times as many features, but it will be unbelievably
better than the original Quidsticks game.

Main Menu
Options Menu Exhibition Menu 1
Coming Winter 2004!