Screenshots  |  Demo

    Quidsticks includes several features including the option to choose both yours and your opponent's broom models (each broom model has a different high speed and handling), you also have full game sound control. Quidsticks also has high quality and original graphics (see screenshots below).

    Development of Quidsticks was completed early 2004 and it's 2D sequel, Quidsticks: Expanded, is now in development.

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Quidsticks: Full Version is now available free of charge!

Quidsticks: Full Version is now available for for purchase! Click here for more details.

A 30-Day Trial Version of Quidsticks: Full Version is now available for download (scroll down to the downloads section). We are in the process of creating a PayPal account and setting everything up so that hopefully everyone will be able to buy Quidsticks: Full version within a few months for unlimited game play. The game will cost about $6 (U.S.).

    Quidsticks Demo 3.0 is no longer available for download. A 30 day trial version of Quidsticks: Full Version will be available for download on January 1st 2003. New features in this final version will include a new option to control the skill level of your opponent. A few other changes have been done as well. More details coming January 1st.

Quidsticks Demo 3.0 is now available! Scroll down to the Downloads section to download it!
New features for Demo 3.0 include:

    -Separate Background Sound and Sound Effects On/Off Controls
    -New feature in which you get to choose from 1 of 2 different broomstick models to fly
    -New and Improved Graphics
    -Credits are enabled
    -Fewer Bugs

    Currently Dougall and I are working on Quidsticks Demo 3.0. This will be the final Demo for Quidsticks Version 1 before we release the Full Version.


MAINMENU.JPG (70287 bytes)
    broomchoosescreen.jpg (116812 bytes)    quidsitcksscreenshot.jpg (291827 bytes)
Main Menu           Broom Choose Menu        Playing Field


Quidsticks Full Verson
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The Quidsticks title, game, logo, and all related insignia are Copyright © 2003-2005 T.W.W.N. Games.
All Rights Reserved.