I originally came up with the idea for Quidsticks during mid summer of 2003. Dougall had helped me with some of T.W.W.N.'s games before so we decided to work together. And I must say it was a wise decision.

    Soon after starting work on the game, I came up with the name "Quidsticks". Dougall liked the name so we decided to use that as the name of our new game.

    Quidsticks was originally only a simple 2D game but it has since evolved into a popular gaming series. Quidsticks is a four game series. Three of the games, which are referred to as the Quidsticks Trilogy, are 2D. Their names are Quidsticks, Quidsticks: Expanded, and Quidsticks: International. Quidsticks: Expanded is still in developmental stages, and work on Quidsticks: International should begin early 2005.
    The fourth game in the Quidsticks series is Quidsticks 3D which has been in development since the summer of 2004.

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The Quidsticks title, game, logo, and all related insignia are Copyright © 2003-2005 T.W.W.N. Games.
All Rights Reserved.